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I never said I was impressed. I’m just refuting your assertion that Biden has left Hawaii and Ohio impoverished and wrecked

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If you're not impressed then why bother pointing it out?

Biden, and the government, have wrecked the entire country and a little bit of dosh now, while I'm sure welcome by those suffering in Hawaii and Ohio, isn't going to repair it. The people in East Palestine, Flint, and thousands of towns and cities across the nation have polluted, toxic drinking water and nothing is being done about it. Are we spending trillions to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, raise living standards and re-employ the great army of the unemployed they pretend doesn't exist?

I'm so tired of people defending our corrupt, elitist, arrogant government by pointing out the tiny gestures they make.

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The corrupt, elitist, arrogant government is the one that Americans put into office. If it really bothers you, I suggest you get involved in electing better people into office (and defending free and fair elections so we can actually do that) and better inform yourself

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Cute. We didn't put them in office. They are bought appendages of a greasy, corrupt money machine that offers us puppet A or puppet B. And when we vote for A or B we are blamed for the result.

The way I agree with you is that the people need to take their liberty more seriously but that means putting our lives on the line and most people are still thinking they can keep their heads down, take care of their loved ones and hope this ship rights itself. They will, at some point, have to act but I don't blame them for hesitating against an enemy that has no respect for morality or the citizenry they nominally serve. Not to mention the tons of propaganda we are deluged with on a constant basis. I see through it. Do you?

Ironically enough, Trump was the first president in my lifetime that wasn't oligarchy-approved and look what they've done to him for the crime of not bowing to every whim of the deep state in trying to stop our forever wars and make piece with the empire's declared enemies.

The people voted for someone outside the beltway system and the reaction has been something I never thought I'd see in this country. So no, we didn't put this government in office: it has been forced on us with a callous disregard for the will of the people. The never-ending attacks on Trump are as much a way to show the American people that we have no right to select our own leaders as they are to remove Trump.

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You apparently haven’t heard about Biden’s infrastructure bill or the Inflation Reduction Act

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Actually I have and again, I'm not impressed. Lots of public/private partnership nonsense and money for "green" energy that isn't green and won't work. If global warming is a real threat, and I stress if, nuclear is the only way to maintain anything like our current standard of living and still reduce carbon emissions. What I see instead is money funneled to projects that wreck the environment and will do nothing to fix the problem -- not to mention little to clean up our toxic environment. So what's the plan? To make the masses live in tiny pods and not travel or own anything?

What we need is a true new New Deal. And it won't come from the current political class because they are the same greedy kleptocrats who created all these messes in the first place. Forgive me if I don't think the guys who created this disaster can, or even want to, fix it.

All I see is censorship, forced vaccinations, and a vicious contempt for the average American. Indicting Trump for the same thing Hillary Clinton and countless other pols have done throughout our history to contest lost elections just shows all the more how little respect they have for democracy and the people. I didn't vote for Trump and don't particularly care for him. But he's not a fascist and all I see around me is fascism dressed up as a fight against fascism.

I'm supremely unimpressed.

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